
Why aren’t African smallholders tapping into that $40 billion market? (

A. touching upon
B. making use of
C. sliding into
D. bumping into


this information disconnect exists, there will be a related physical disconnect. ( )

A. Long before
B. So long
C. On condition that
D. Glance along

Because she is assured of sale at harvest, she can afford to take out a loan…()

A. accuses of
B. makes sure
C. is mindful of
D. is convinced of

So farmers are isolated, stuck with no money and no voice that the marketplace can hear. ()

A. caught with
B. varied with
C. alluded to
D. trapped in

In Para. 5, the author states that despite of covering out nakedness, clothing also serves as _____ for socialization now. ( )

A. a runway norm
B. a fashion rule
C. an independent icon
D. a conversation starter
