A. 方法误差
B. 试剂误差
C. 仪器误差
D. 操作误差
这叫作糖葫芦,北方的冬天里,它是孩子们最喜欢的零食.相传800多年前,有个皇帝的妃子病了,胃口不好.These are crystal line sugar-coated haws, tanghulu, which is a ___ winter ___ for children in northern China. Legends say that 800 years ago an emperor’s concubine was sick and had a ____.
一位医生献上药房,用冰糖和山楂煎熬,每天饭前吃上十颗.半个月之后,妃子的病真的好了.后来,这种做法传到了民间A doctor ordered that she eat 10 haws boiled with crystal sugar before dinner. The concubine ____ within half-a-month. Later, the ____.
老百姓把山楂用签子串起来,蘸上热糖.热糖遇冷凝固后,形成一个水晶一样的硬壳,就成了现在的冰糖葫芦.People put haws on a stick and dipped them in hot sugar syrup. The syrup _____, like crystals on the haw’s surface.
糖葫芦是种非常美味而又健康的传统小吃,大街小巷,随处可以见到It is a ____ and whole some ____ commonly seen in stores and on streets.