
What is the woman doing?

Ask for the man for diner.
B. Neither[A]nor[C]
C. Tell the man the fight way.



A. 能量守恒和转化定律、细胞学说、达尔文进化论
B. 能量守恒和转化定律、原子结构学说、原子—分子论
C. 细胞学说、达尔文进化论、信息论
D. 达尔文进化论、控制论、系统论

Which of the following did NOT contribute to the rise of the merchants?

A. Easy access to credit.
B. Cheaper transportation.
C. Shortage of skilled labor.
D. Control over substantial capital.

Which action has NOTHING to do with the suggestions the passage talks about?

A. Tighten the old newspapers.
B. Crush foil products.
C. Flatten cardboard boxes.
D. Use larger trash bags.

某公司全部资本为100 元,负债比率为40%,负债利率10%,息税前利润为14万元,则该公司的财务杠杆系数为()。

A. 1.4
B. 1
C. 1.2
D. 1.3
