
Which of the following behavior should not be punished?

A. Selling in advance copies of a university final exam.
B. A Student turned in a term paper with the purchase receipt for it still inside the pages.
C. A student was caught taking exams for others.
D. A student writes a term paper after reading a large amount of reference books.


If we want to write a good argumentative essay, which of the following techniques you need not use?

A. Writing a topic sentence
B. Using some signal words
C. Providing specific examples
D. Writing in time order.


下列建筑结构体系中,侧向刚度最大的是( )。

A. 框架结构
B. 筒体结构
C. 剪力墙结构
D. 框架剪力墙结构

具有建筑平面布置灵活,构件类型少,但侧向刚度小,水平位移较大特点的结构体系是( )。

A. 框架结构
B. 框剪结构
C. 剪力墙结构
D. 筒体结构
