
听力原文:M: Hello, 24th Precinct. Officer Jones speaking.
W: Help. Yeah, uh, it was wild, I mean really unusual.
M: Calm down! Now, what do you want to report?
W: Well, I'd like to report a UFO sighting.
M: A what?
W: What do you mean "what"? An unidentified flying object!
M: Wait, tell me exactly what you saw.
W: Well, I was driving home from a party about three hours ago, so it was about 2:00 a.m., when I saw this bright light overhead.
M: Okay. And then what happened?
W: Oh, man. Well, it was out of this world. I stopped to watch the light when it disappeared behind a hill about a kilometer ahead of me.
M: Alright. Then what?
W: Well, I got back in my car and started driving toward where the UFO landed.
M: Now, how do you know it was a UFO? Perhaps you only saw the lights of an airplane, or the headlights of an approaching car. Things like that happen, you know.
W: Well, if it was that, how do you explain "the BEAST"?
M: What do you mean "the BEAST"?
W: Okay. I kept driving for about five minutes when all of a sudden, this giant, hairy creature jumped out in front of my car.
M: Oh, yeah. Then what?
W: Well, then, the beast picked up the front of my car and said, "Get out of the car. I'm taking you to my master!" Something like that.
M: Wow? A hairy creature who can speak English! Come on!
W: I'm not making this up. Then, when I didn't get out of the car, the beast opened the car door, carried me on his shoulder to this round-shaped flying saucer, and well, that's when I woke up along the roadside. The beast must have knocked me out and left me there.
M: Well, that's the best story I've heard all night. Now, have you been taking any medicine, drugs, or alcohol in the last 24 hours? You mentioned you went to a party.
W: What? Well, I did have a few beers, but I'm telling the truth.
M: Okay, okay. We have a great doctor who deals with THESE kinds of cases.
W: I'm not crazy.
M: Well, we'll look into your story. Thank you.

A. She was returning home from a party.
B. She was taking her time in the street.
C. She just got off work when she saw the UFO.
D. She was driving home from a restaurant.


Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.
听力原文: First of all, I would like to explain the course polices to you. The class meets three times a week for twelve weeks. In addition to the weekly written assignments, there are reading materials which must be covered before the end of the term. The written projects must be handed in on certain days of the week, but you are free to complete your readings at any time during the week when they are assigned.
Attendance in this class is taken at roll time. If you miss more than five class sessions, I will submit a written absence report to your adviser. If you must miss a class because you are ill or have an urgent matter to attend to, you need to inform. me in order to avoid an unexcused absence. It is your responsibility to make up the work if you miss classes for any reason whatsoever. If you hand in your assignment after the due date, your grade will be lowered.

A. Course polices.
B. Class participation.
C. Writing projects.
D. Course assignments.

A.The man feels very confident about his business.B.The store has yielded a lot of pro

A. The man feels very confident about his business.
B. The store has yielded a lot of profits for the man.
C. The woman is assuring the man of his success.
D. The man has just built a new store.

A.It's better to live here.B.It will change soon.C.You'll like it if you live here for

A. It's better to live here.
B. It will change soon.
C. You'll like it if you live here for long.
D. You'll soon be used to it.

听力原文: In recent years, linguists(语言学家) and language teachers have begun to describe language according not only to grammatical structure, using traditional concepts and terms such as the imperative, but also by function. For example, add "please" to the order "Open the window!", and the structure remains imperative. The function of the utterance, however, is now that of polite request.
Function, then, is determined partly by the user's attitude, and is realized by a variety of linguistic and paralinguistic features—vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, tone of voice, gesture and facial expression. The language learner can often tell the difference easily between certain basic functions—those of command and request, for example. However, learning to use these different functions of language to communicate effectively is not always so easy.
Language function is also determined by the situation in which the language is used. "Be quiet!" coming from a teacher tired of noisy pupils is obviously an order or command. Used by a nervous bank robber to a fellow in crime, when he thinks he has heard a noise which could have been made by a suspicious policeman, the sentence would be a warning. When we look at the imperative in this way, then, we realize that it consists of a small set of structural forms which can fulfill many different functions: commands, prohibitions, warnings, as well as many others.

A. Grammatical structure.
B. Function.
C. Traditional concepts and terms.
D. Both A and B
