
What is the writer's attitude towards globalization?

A. Suspicioas.
B. Positive.
C. Indifferent.
D. Contemptuous.


What is the title of the collection of recordings?

A. The End of the U.S. Civil War.
B. The Libray of Congress.
C. Voices from the Days of Slavery.
D. The Recordings of Written Staries.

The study of the relationship between productivity and living standards is significant in

A. it calls policymakers' attention to a qualified work force
B. it encourages workers to get better education
C. it helps improve the workers' ability to produce goods and services
D. it enables policymakers to access the latest technology


A. 3 mm
B. 10 mm
C. 5 mm
D. 12 mm

______in a simple style, the book clearly describes the author's childhood experiences in

A. Writing
B. To be written
C. Being written
D. Written
