A. 阿奇霉素 B. 氨苄西林 C. 克林霉素 D. 苯唑西林 E. 青霉素
A. be completely the same as the old one B. take up more space than the old one C. be changed into an art education center D. be forced to be modem in appearance
A. 骨髓红系呈巨幼样变 B. 骨髓增生活跃,红系成熟障碍 C. 骨髓增生明显活跃,原始细胞60% D. 骨髓增生活跃,巨核细胞全片见1个 E. 骨髓细胞外铁(卅),环状铁粒幼细 胞20%