The Great Wall was listed on the World Cutural Heritage by ________________in 1987.
The Meridian Gate, also known as _____________________(Five-phoenix Tower) is the main entrance to the Imperial Palace.
The Hall of Supreme Harmony, known as ______________________is most magnificent among the three main halls in the royal palace, where tourists can view the imperial throne.
A. 20世纪30年代美国开垦中西部大草原,引起“风暴”
B. 发展热带雨林迁移农业
C. 我国在中西部一些地区实施“退耕还林、退耕还湖”的战略
D. 在长江大力挖沙出售,既有经济效益,又疏浚了航道
A. 保持适度的人口规模
B. 世界各国共同开发热带雨林
C. 国际合作解决大气污染问题
D. 人类和子孙后代共享资源和环境