What is actually internalized in the mind of a native speaker is a complete list of words and phrases rather than grammatical knowledge.
1. A __________ sentence consists of a single clause which contains a subject and a predicate and stands alone as its own sentence.2. A __________ is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of words to form a complete statement, question or command.3. A __________ may be a noun or a noun phrase in a sentence that usually precedes the predicate.4. The part of a sentence which comprises a finite verb or a verb phrase and which says something about the subject is grammatically called __________.5. A __________ sentence contains two, or more, clauses, one of which is incorporated into the other.6. In the complex sentence, the incorporated or subordinate clause is normally called an __________ clause.
声明数组的格式是( )。
A. 数据类型[ ] 数组名字
B. 数据类型 数组名字[ ]
C. 数据类型 数组名字[数组长度]
D. A和B
声明数组时,( )。
A. 无需指明数组元素的个数
B. 不为数组元素分配内存空间
C. 为数组元素分配内存空间
D. A和B
只是声明的数组( )。
A. 不能直接使用
B. 必须经过初始化分配内存后才能使用
C. 可以直接使用
D. A和B