

A. 王先生为自己的商店购买了高额火灾险。由于经营不善,亏损较大,王先生便雇人在商店纵火,以获取高额保险赔偿金
B. 李先生在体检之后被告知右肾有一肿块,但还需进一步检测才能做出结论,他便立刻去保险公司为自己购买了重大疾病险
C. 张先生因工作关系,经常往返于中国和中东各国之间,朋友一直劝他买一份意外伤害保险,但他总以自己不会发生危险而拒绝
D. 陈先生为私家车购买了全车盗抢险。后因市场上同类型车辆价格下降较大,便特意拆除报警装置,平日外出随意停车,期待某日车辆被盗,获取赔偿金买辆新车



A. 财产的完整性
B. 往来账项
C. 财产的存在性
D. 财产的价值


A. herself
B. the world
C. himself
D. her own

Taking tile place of teaching for an eighth-grade class, I noticed that many of the students were asking for permission to leave the room. So I announced that, since it was Flag Day, anyone who wished to leave had to first write a short essay on "Why I am proud to be an American." The departure stepped.
Then one youngster handed me a paper with a picture of the flag. Her statement read:
"I am proud to be an American because I am allowed to have certain individual(个人的) fights. These include freedom of religion--which gives me the right to worship(崇拜) as I please; freedom of speech--which gives me the right to speak freely; freedom from cruel and unusual punishment--which gives me the right to leave the room."
We exchanged smiles as I handed her the pass.
Why did the teacher ask them to write a short essay?

A. She wanted to know who was the best student in the class.
B. She wanted to improve their writing ability.
C. She wanted to keep them in the classroom.
D. She wanted them to be proud of the country.


A. 无效率
B. 无效果
C. 既无效率又无效果
D. 有效果而无效率
