
在今天,为人民服务的表现有( )。

A. 毫不利己、专门利人、无私奉献
B. 顾全大局、先公后私、爱岗敬业、办事公道
C. 互相关心、互相爱护、互相帮助
D. 热心公益、助人为乐、见义勇为、扶贫帮困、扶残助残
E. 遵纪守法、诚实劳动并获取正当的个人利益


1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases givenin the box . Change the form where necessary .-----------------------------------flutter/ cling to/fancy /fragile /acute/ endure/ whistle /subtract /mock /masterpiece/ stalk /dreary /stand out /sin /merry/nonsense-----------------------------------1) Some 80 art ____ will be brought to South Korea for an annual French cultural festival .2) Ben ’s very sensitive and emotionally ___. He craves approval and will do almost anything to gain it even from complete strangers .3) As information bombards (轰炸) us , we must rely on our own experience and intuition to distinguish fact from ____ .4) He can get quite a big headache from listening to her ____, but he knows she just can ’t help it .5) These window decorations (装饰品) are made from soft flexible plastic . They ____ glass and other shiny surfaces like magic !6)Those who ____ hearing loss are at a disadvantage ,because they are unable to get everyday sound signals .7) Once I knew I was experiencing ____ panic or anxiety ,I followed the tips recommended by my doctor to deal with the symptoms .8) This dog is well trained - she ' ll come running back to me every time I ____ to her .9) True , this football team is comparatively weak . But it is absolutely wrong to ____ at their attempt to qualify for the World Cup Finals .10) It is said the corporation has already ___ a number of expenditures from the total cost ; yet it still runs as high as 300 million dollars .11) He had a favorite song he used to sing to us in the old days 一“ It 's a ___ to Tell a Lie "- and I shall always associate it with him .12) On bright spring days , you can see lovely birds ____among the bushes .

借鉴和吸收人类文明优秀道德成果时要坚持( )其他国家的道德成果。 ①以我为主、为我所用;②区别对待;③以我有益,为我用求;④批判吸收。

A. ①②
B. ③④
C. ②③
D. ①④

借鉴和吸收人类文明优秀道德成果,必须秉承正确的态度和科学的方法。要坚持马克思主义立场、观点、方法,在道德问题上把握好 ( )的关系。

A. 共性和个性
B. 抽象和形象
C. 一般和先进
D. 先进和落后

中国革命道德的主要内容包括( )

A. 全心全意为人民服务
B. 为实现社会主义和共产主义的理想信念而奋斗
C. 始终把革命利益放在首位
D. 修身自律,保持节操
