
121. 2006年河北蔬菜产量是多少万吨()

A. 1292.9
B. 6646.8
C. 2702.8
D. 6982.8



A. 拓荒 播种 耕耘
B. 耕耘 拓荒 播种
C. 拓荒 耕耘 播种
D. 播种 拓荒 耕耘

听力原文: In the modern world, it is important to be well-informed. Success in many fields depends on getting the latest information. To keep up with what is happening in the world, well-informed people read newspapers and news magazines. They listen to the news on the radio and they watch it on television. Owners of home computers can even receive their news directly from the wire services--news agencies that supply newspapers, magazines, radio and television with news reports through special telephone links.
Most people read newspapers for the news of the day. The typical daily newspaper contains articles about local, regional, national, and international news, as well as sports news, weather reports, editorials, and other features. In large cities, newspaper readers can often choose between a "morning paper" distributed early in the morning and an "evening paper" distributed at the end of the workday. Most American newspapers also publish an enlarged Sunday edition containing articles about the news of the day and of the week, plus a number of entertainment and advertising supplements. Daily newspapers are designed to be read quickly by busy people looking for specific information. The Sunday papers, on the other hand, are intended to entertain as well as inform, and they tend to be read leisurely by all members of the family. Other types of newspapers include campus newspapers, written by students at universities, and weekly newspapers, usually intended for a specific audience.

A. Newspaper and magazines.
B. Radio and television.
D. All of the above.


A. 不同性别的公民参与政策制定的次数有差异
B. 性别对公民参与政策制定的次数具有影响
C. 不同性别的公民参加政策制定的次数有显著差异,性别对公民参与政策制定的次数具有重要影响
D. 不同性别的公民参加政策制定的次数没有显著差异,性别对公民参与政策制定的次数不具有重要影响


A. prevalent
B. poor
C. primary
D. productive
