
How is Mycobacterium tuberculosis grown

A. the footpad of the armadillo
B. anaerobically on nutrient broth agar
C. in 5% carbon dioxide at room temperature
D. in 5% carbon dioxide at 37 degrees on Lowenstein-Jensen medium
E. In cultures of human macrophages


The most common way in which tuberculosis is acquired is via the

A. Skin
B. Gastrointestinal tract
C. Respiratory tract
D. Genital tract
E. Nasal tract

Disease manifestations in TB are largely the result of which of the following

A. cytotoxicity
B. immunosuppression
C. cellular immune response
D. antigenic cross reactivity

Which of the following are virulence factors/mechanisms for Mycobacterium tuberculosis

A. cytotoxin
B. superantigen toxin
C. antigenic variation
D. spores
E. intracellular growth

马斯洛的需求层次理论第三层是( )

A. 生理需求
B. 安全需求
C. 社交需求
D. 尊重需求
E. 自我实现需求
