Add Spice to Your Life!
Long rated Number One in the South, Bayou Sauce is the perfect sauce to spicing up your food and impressing your family and guests. Forget the ketchup and mustard, add Bayou Sauce to French fries, hamburgers, barbecued meats, and pizza.
The difference with Bayou Sauce is that you'll get only natural ingredients, not added fillers or preservatives. It's also good for people with sodium and sugar restricted diets.
For a free sample of Bayou Sauce, fill out and mail the form. below.
I want to try Bayou Sauce!
Name: Lina Burgess
Address: 18364 Rosewood Court
City: Parker State: Colorado Zip: 80138
E-mail: Iina8372@lemail.com
Date: July 1
Check one:
__Mild __Regular √ Extra Spicy
What condiments do you regularly use?
√ Ketchup √ Mustard __Mayonnaise √ Hot Sauce
__Other (Please describe):
Thank you for your interest in Bayou Sauce. You will get your free bottle of Bayou Sauce in 2-3 weeks. Please mail this, including a self-addressed index card to:
Bayou Sauce
2309 Johnston St.
Lafayette, LA 70503
What is true about Bayou Sauce?