
Henry Louis "Skip" Gates Jr. is better known for his activities outside the academy. This week he sold Africana. com, a website he created with a fellow Harvard University professor, to Time Warner. Terms of the deal weren't revealed, though the Wall Street Journal pegged the price at more than $10 million, with Gates reaping up to $ I million. Time Warner will incorporate the site, a portal with news and information about people of African descent, into America Online when the two merge as expected. The sense is that Gates got a very good deal. The site is a rich source of scholarship but hardly a rich source of revenue.
As recently as the late 1980s Gates, who turns 50 this week, was an obscure professor penning books on literary theory only a graduate student could love. Now he can't be avoided, He hosted a series about Africa on public television, writes occasional articles for the New Yorker, and even advises the Gore presidential campaign. He counts director Steven Spielberg, Microsoft's Bill Gates and President Clinton as friends. "They're not intimate friends," he insists.
Indeed, Gates has evolved into a kind of expert on everything African-American. "He remains the go-to person on the state of African-American affairs," said Perry Steinberg, head of American Program Bureau, a lecture agency. The 30 or so speeches Gates delivers each year are another source of income for the professor.
With fame comes controversy. Several other black intellectuals have taken him to task for not being confrontational enough. Gates has heard it before. "Me? Critics? Oh, what a shock!" But he considers himself more a descendent of historian and educator W. E. B. Du Bois than of Malcolm X. His ultimate goal is to build the field of Afro-American studies. "Fifty years from now I want there to be at least 10 great centers of Afro-American studies," he says.
If working as a consultant on Spielberg's historical film Amistad or giving A1 Gore advice helps, so be it.
What can we learn about Africans. com?

A. It may be financially mediocre to Time Warner.
B. It is maintained by Gates for Time Warner.
C. It becomes a sister website of America Online.
D. It is meant for the U. S. general public.


It is not necessary to carry cash instead of travelers' checks because the latter can be ______.

A. used for phones, bus fares and hotel reservations
B. used to pay in restaurants and big stores
C. used like credit cards, even in remote areas
D. exchanged easily, even at car rental companies

According to the second paragraph, a baby's first noises are ______.

A. a sign that he means to tell you something
B. a reflection of his moods and feelings
C. can imitation of the spoken of adults
D. an early form. of language

The report given by the Italian team might provide evidence that ______.

A. two things far apart might vibrate in unison
B. the ripples in space-time are only imagined
C. there exist gravitational waves
D. abrupt, violent cosmic events lead to gravitational waves

Which of the following is not the reason why Lyderic Bocquet suppose that spin is important?

A. Because it keeps the stone fairly flat from one bounce to the next.
Because the spin can create a gyroscopic effect.
C. Because the gyroscope can prevent the stone from tipping and falling sideways into the water.
D. Because the spin can reduce the water drag.
