We can learn from the last paragraph that ______
A. neither the state nor the individual has the right to taken a life
B. the state has the right to take a life but the individual does not
C. the death penalty has nothing to do with individual conscience and belief
D. the deterrence figures have added up and the execution rate has fallen
Financing College Training
High school students who, after graduation, would like to continue their education are frequently faced with many problems in financing college training. Free education is not so wide-spread at the college level (51) at the elementary and (52) school levels. There is usually a charge for (53) . In addition, for most students, going to college means living away from home, an expensive matter.
(54) , then, can be done by a student who finds that he must help to finance himself if he is to (55) his education beyond high school? There are several (56) Scholarships are sometimes available. These are usually (57) partly on the basis of high grades. Therefore the day-to day work in high school may be very important for determining one's (58) of help from this source. Another (59) of help is the college loan fund, which is established for the (60) of providing loans to (61) students. A third plan is that of working one's way through school. Work may involve (62) a part-time job outside the college. Sometimes it means (63) professors in laboratory work, library work, or office (64) . Sometimes it means performing some (65) which the student body requires, such as helping in the preparation and serving of meals, working in college stores, and the like.
A. than
B. as
C. that
D. to
A. 在企业的协助下,对拟募股企业与本次发行有关的一切事项进行现场调查、资料采集
B. 法律顾问的主要职责是:向公司提供有关企业重组、外资股发行等方面的法律咨询,协助企业完成股份制改组,起草与发行有关的重大合同;调查、收集企业的各方面资料
C. 主承销商的法律顾问须协助其编制招股说明书(或信息备忘录),并准备有关的附录文件;出具外资股发行法律意见书,并根据承销和发行的需要出具单项法律意见书
D. 对公司的盈利预测进行审核
A. 设立股份有限公司,应当由董事会向公司登记机关申请设立登记
B. 以募集方式设立股份有限公司的,应当于创立大会结束后30日内向公司登记机关申请设立登记
C. 公司申请登记的经营范围中属于法律、行政法规或者国务院决定规定在登记前须经批准的项目的,应当在申请登记前报经国家有关部门批准,并向公司登记机关提交有关批准文件
D. 根据我国现有的法规规定,股份有限公司的登记机关为设区的市(地区)工商行政管理局以上的工商行政管理部门。设立股份有限公司的同时设立分公司的,应当就设立分公司向公司登记机关申请登记,领取营业执照。公司成立后,应当进行公告
A. 要交
B. 免交
C. 由承销商决定是否交