下列对于代理记账机构的设立条件说法正确的有( )。
A. 有3名以上持有会计师以上专业技术职务的专职从业人员
B. 有固定的办公场所
C. 有健全的财务会计管理制度
D. 主管代理记账业务的负责人必须具有会计师以上专业技术职务
IJohn uses cell phone to kill time in class.
A. doubt
B. suspect
C. be suspicious of
D. doubted
I must intercede on Jasmine's.
A. behalf
B. interest
C. honor
D. consideration
A. 3点处
B. 5点处血
C. 7点处
D. 9点处
E. 11点处
Which of the following is not about Thanksgiving Day?
A. turkey
B. various fall vegetables
C. Giving thanks
D. Compitition