
Section DLadies and gentlemen, our plane is flying smoothly now. The duty-free sales will soon begin. Please 20your list of purchases. In your seat pocket, you can find the Shopping on Board magazine. All prices are listed both in the local currency(货币) and in US dollars. And you can pay 21or by using a credit card. We accept22major credit cards. Frequent passengers win points 23on board. There are some excellent bargains and there are several items specially designed for our[音频]. Thank you!



A. 依法设立
B. 独立核算
C. 社会经济组织
D. 非营利性


A. 个人独资企业
B. 合伙企业
C. 混合所有制企业
D. 公司

下列关于企业法律形式的说法,正确的有( )?

A. 个人独资企业的投资人只能是一个自然人
B. 合伙企业的合伙人数量至少是两个以上
C. 公司具有法人资格
D. 个人独资企业与合伙企业均不具有法人资格

从近日中国石油化工集团公司改制更名一事可知,下列选项中属于公司基本组织架构的有( )?

A. 股东会
B. 董事会
C. 监事会
D. 经理层或经营管理层
