党的十八大以后,我国国防和军队改革取得历史性突破,形成( )新格局,军队组织架构和力量体系实现革命性重塑。
A. 军委管总
B. 战区主战
C. 军种主建
D. 统筹谋划
我国武装力量建设的原则( )。
A. 政治建军
B. 改革强军
C. 科技强军
D. 人才强军
E. 依法治军
This computer security tutorial only concentrates upon the computer security.
A. 对
B. 错
This tutorial will also tell us the causes why the computer security is a constant issue.
A. 对
B. 错
It doesn’t matter whether you have a fundamental knowledge about networking or not before you begin to read this tutorial.
A. 对
B. 错