自主探究学习任务:参考3.1.1内容的分析程序和方法示范,个人自主选择3.1.2~3.1.7中六个主题内容之一,按照后续提示完成一个在线调研分析报告,作为期末考试内容和任务之一(拟计入期末成绩,占期末成绩的30%)。3.1.1 商业史诗:“双十一”的购物脉冲3.1.2 人口问题:老龄化、少子化与劳动力3.1.3 贫困问题:精准扶贫与诺贝尔经济学奖3.1.4 教育问题:个人、家庭、社会与政府3.1.5 产业革命:从工业1.0到工业4.03.1.6 围城困境:房地产与幸福家园3.1.7 生态保护:外部性与可持续
The author believes that the statement that life is difficult ____.
A. is the greatest truth in the world
B. is never known to people
C. is not as true as before
D. is fully understood by few people
According to the author, life is ____.
A. a series of problems
B. a heavy load of burden
C. a series of truths
D. a unique kind of affliction
Solving all life's problems requires ___.
A. no moaning
B. some discipline
C. total discipline
D. all tools
Problems evoke in us the following feelings except_____ .
A. embarrassment
B. regret
C. pain
D. anxiety