A. 运送中现金必须通过“运送中现金”科目核算
B. 当日所需的现金应当日核销
C. 预约出库、日终缴款的运送中现金,可延至次日核销,遇到公休日或节假日可延至下一工作日核销
D. 年末“运送中现金”科目不得有余额
A. g1
B. g2
C. g3
D. g4
What indicates a dual purpose buoy? ()
A. Red buoy with a horizontal yellow band
B. Red and white vertically-striped buoy with a vertical yellow stripe
C. Red and white vertically-striped buoy with a red spherical topmark
D. Green buoy with a yellow square
A. 开户
B. 转账
C. 冻结解冻
D. 开立存款证明