

A. 阴道维持碱性环境
B. 子宫颈内口松弛
C. 宫颈管分泌黏液不形成黏液栓
D. 阴道黏膜皱襞消失
E. 子宫内膜周期性剥落



A. 两者的记账内容相同
B. 两者的记账方向相同
C. 两者的记账金额相同
D. 以上同时成立

You work as a network administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network consists of a single domain named ABC.com. All servers on the ABC.com network have Windows Server 2012 R2 installed and all client computers have Windows 8 installed.You install the DHCP server services on a server named ABC_SR02 and configure a DHCP scope for the ABC.com network. You want ABC_SR02 to automatically assign IP configurations to all client computers on the network. How would you accomplish this task?()

A. You should activate the DHCP scope on ABC_SR02.
B. You should authorize ABC_SR02 in Active Directory.
C. You should configure the client computers to Obtain an IP address automatically.
D. You should configure the client computers to with an alternative IP address.


A. 苏轼
B. 陶渊明


A. 资产=负债+所有者权益
B. 收入-费用=利润
C. 借贷记账法记账规则
D. 期末余额=期初余额+本期增加额-本期减少额
