To safeguard the operator and other personnel working on or near a hoisting operation which of the following precautions should be observed?()
A. Keep a load on the hoist until all personnel are finished working
B. Set the load on a movable dolly when transportation may be needed
C. Have one man keep a hand on the load to steady it
D. Insure that the lifting gear capacity is not exceeded
剖检病死猪,见心脏三尖瓣上附着淡黄色,干燥,坚实。表面粗糙的灰白色菜花状赘生物。 引起次病变的主要病原是()
A. 毒力较弱的病毒
B. 毒力较强的病毒
C. 毒力较弱的细菌
D. 毒力较强的细菌
A. 一
B. 二
C. 三
D. 六
A. 实验失败
B. 对照组设置不合理
C. 新的除草剂能投入使用
D. 新的除草剂可能没有除草效果