赵运,男,云南省农民,于1996年对家里人声称外出打工,至今毫无消息。期间没有同家里联系过,也没有人见过他或与他有过联系。赵运自小父母双亡,由哥哥赵东抚养长大。于1990年与邻村女青年苗丽结婚,婚后有了两个孩子:赵强、赵壮,现在分别为10岁,9岁。根据上述案情,请回答以下问题: 申请宣告公民失踪与申请宣告公民死亡的关系:
A. 申请宣告公民失踪为申请宣告公民死亡的必经程序。如要申请宣告公民死亡,必先向法院申请该公民为失踪人
B. 申请宣告公民失踪不是申请宣告公民死亡的必经程序
C. 如果人民法院判决宣告公民失踪后,利害关系人向人民法院申请被宣告失踪人死亡的,宣告失踪的判决即是该公民失踪的证据
D. 如果人民法院判决宣告公民失踪后,利害关系人向人民法院申请被宣告失踪人死亡的,那么人民法院在审理中就不需重新发出寻找失踪人的公告
张某是某单位干部,一直单身,居住在流水街50号。1998年春节前后,张某因病去世,留下银行存款10万元,古董字画若干。张某所在的街道办事处认为,张某无继承人,未留下遗嘱,因此向区人民法院申请认定张某的财产为无主财产,区法院受理后,经审查核实,发出财产认领公告。因无人对张某的遗产主张权利,公告期满,区法院判决认定,张某的遗产为无主财产。半年后,从外地来了一年轻人,声称是张某的亲生儿子,经法院审查核实,该子系张某下放时与当地一妇女的私生子。根据上述案情,请回答下列各题: 本案认定财产无主过程中,人民法院应当:
A. 独任审判
B. 合议庭审判
C. 发出财产认领公告
D. 书面审理
Complete the gap-filling task. Some of the gaps below may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are. both grammatically & semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes. Serf-discipline: the Foundation of Productive Living Ⅰ. Issues to be noticed at the thought of serf-discipline A. Troubles for some people to become more productive B. The reason: lacking of (1) to start with C. Multiple meanings of serf-discipline in different fields: —the ability and (2) in terms of productivity —the ability to change habits in personal development —the ability to get up and practice by (3) —the power to act on ideas by speaker Ⅱ. The steps to become productive A. Start small, work (4) —the importance of implementation —the comparison between it and the use of muscle a. more failure, less motivation, difficult to solve problems b. start developing it by (5) small problems c. the strength of it increases gradually d. similar process to (6) a habit rather than overcoming B. Meanwhile, the importance of accountability and its remedial therapy —rebuilding the (7) of muscle without assistance —differently, people need outside help to gain it again —others keep you (8) for each action and give you help a. they are to be present in your daily life and work b. for instance: partner, family, (9) , etc Ⅲ. Conclusion A. A lot of talks about the (10) to get things done and implement systems they have memorized B. But serf-discipline remains to be the foundation of living productively.
ABUNDANT ASTA RESOURCESDay in and day out, ASTA helps its members with everything from debit memos to bankruptcy claims on against suppliers to applying for Small34 Business Administration loans. Whatever business problem is facing with you35 chances are someone at ASTA headquarters can offer the advice or a helping36 hand. A few months ago, ASTA introduced that the Member Care Center as37 an improved method of serving its members. The Member Care Center serves38 as the single source for member record changes, for meeting registrations39 and information requests. We have begun intensive customer service training40 of our Member Care team to ensure that they are fully equipped with to41 answer your questions as more efficiently as possible. Our Member Care team42 meets early every morning for a briefing report on the ASTA and travel43 industry news of the day so they are prepared for the various calls that may44 come in. If the answer or solution lies in other another ASTA department,45 ASTA has a highly trained staff of professionals are ready to assist you.Here’s just a sample of how ASTA departments service oar members on a daily basis. 37()