
For whom is the author most probably writing this text

A. Working women who have no time for cooking
B. Husbands and children of working women
C. Working women traveling by themselves
D. Restaurant managers who serve working women


男性,45岁,某省厅干部,平时不嗜烟酒,生活规律;但性情急躁,易激动,工作认真,争强好胜,雄心勃勃。一年前单位减员时调入某厂工作,常因小事上火,发脾气。 三日前因心绞痛入院,诊断为冠心病。病前病人行为特征是

A 型
B 型
C 型
D. 混合型
E. 以上都不是

When the peace talk failed, there was a very real fear that war may ______ at any time.

A. break off
B. break up
C. break out
D. bread down

"Crying for a Smoke" suggests there is a cause-and-effect relation between

A. the mother's smoking and her baby's stomachache
B. the mother's annoyance and her baby's cries
C. research results and the babies' parents
D. dad's smoking and mom's smoking


A. 权威阶段
B. 互惠或可逆阶段
C. 自我中心阶段
D. 公正阶段
