A. 极软而沉细
B. 浮而细软
C. 寸关尺三部举按均无力
D. 脉形小而软弱,无力
E. 极细极软,若有若无
You are underway and approaching a bend in the channel where vessels approaching from the
A. one blast,4 to 6 seconds in duration
B. three blasts,4 to 6 seconds in duration
C. one continuous blast until you are able to see around the bend
D. one blast,8 to 10 seconds in duration
A. 儿茶酚胺分泌减少
B. 交感神经兴奋
C. 心迷走神经兴奋
D. 前负荷减少
E. 左心室壁运动异常
A. 10
B. 11
C. 13
D. 14