The word pen originally meant "feather used for writing with ink". Now it refers to any devise used for writing with ink. This is an example of
A. degradation of meaning.
B. broadening of meaning.
C. narrowing of meaning.
D. elevation of meaning.
John Milton was a (n)
A. playwright.
B. poet.
C. novelist.
D. essayist.
The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn was written by______
A. Henry James.
B. Harriet Beecher Stower.
C. Mark Twain.
D. O.Henry.
The United States went war with______in 1812, the last war fought between the two countries.
A. Britain
B. France
C. Mexico
D. Spain
Emus are one of the largest desert animals in
A. the U. S.A.
B. Canada.
C. Australia.
D. New Zealand.