What is indicated about Delta Travel?
A. It runs the Surrey restaurant.
B. It has branch offices in Riverpool and Manchester.
C. It arranges tours to Ireland.
D. It will shortly open a catering service company.
Why is Mr. Anderson asked to attend the event?
A. To recruit prospective employees
B. To meet representatives from other mobile companies
C. To evaluate the marketing techniques of his company"s competitors
D. To gather information about vendors his company may work with
What are people advised to do to get more information on networking?
A. Contact the computer manufacturer.
B. Stop by the newspaper company.
C. Refer to the computer manual.
D. Log onto the Web site.
A. 白内障
B. 角膜炎
C. 青光眼
D. 巩膜炎
A. 现代意义上的霾并非天灾,纯属现代工业之祸,其本质为“细粒子污染”。在其影响下,北京这个五彩斑斓的活力之都褪成了黑白默片,空气中弥漫着令人窒息的味道。
B. 阳关,昔日丝绸之路上的一个关隘,原本不过是一道关,却被赋予了许多哲思和诗情。哲学家站在这儿宣称,即使人生从同一起点出发,也有不同的道路。
C. 风是大气的精灵,它集日月精气于心,集天地灵气于表,集山川海洋豪气于怀。化作流畅的血脉,灵动的气韵,去感受世界,去催生万物。
D. 随着国人消费观念的转变和旅游业的快速发展.近年来旅游部门将开发新的旅游景点.推出新的旅游项目,以最大限度地满足市场需求。