

A. 优先发展
B. 育人为本
C. 提高质量
D. 促进公平


Paragraph 6__________

A. the motivation offlaxseed study
B. the study on ginseng displays its good promise
C. the tots’responsibilities led them to carry out these two studies
D. ginseng is as good to cancer patients as flaxseed
E. the methods and results of the study on flaxseed
F. a different opinion Oil the use of flaxseed


A. 分析与综合
B. 抽象与概括
C. 比较与分类
D. 系统化与具体化

A.On the contraryB.In a similar wayC.On the other handD.Consequ

A. On the contrary
B. In a similar way
C. On the other hand
D. Consequently


A. 原型定向
B. 原型模型
C. 原型操作
D. 原型内化
