What kind of damage has the wildfire already caused?
A. Local oil tanks exploded due to the fire.
B. Dozens of houses were burned down.
C. Thousands of acres of land was burned.
D. Trees in the forest were greatly destroyed.
A. 增加塑性
B. 产生抑菌作用
C. 促进主药吸收
D. 增加主药稳定性
E. 起分散作用
A. 临床研究
B. 处方与制备工艺研究
C. 制剂药理毒理研究
D. 申报工作
E. 获取新药的相关理化参数
A. 被动靶向制剂
B. 主动靶向制剂
C. 物理靶向制剂
D. 化学靶向制剂
E. 物理化学靶向制剂