A. 升降舵机
B. 副翼舵机
C. 方向舵舵机
D. 调整片舵机
A. 可每周行羊水穿刺1次
B. 单次放羊水量不超过1 000 ml
C. 放羊水时每小时不超过300 mg
D. 口服吲哚美辛
E. 行人工破膜终止妊娠
患者,女,34岁。32周妊娠,宫高、腹围均大于同期孕妇,行走不便,近日自感呼吸困难,不能平卧,B超示羊水指数为20 cm。
A. 胎心遥远或听不清
B. 触诊时腹部感到张力大,有液体震颤感
C. 羊膜囊造影可了解胎儿有无泌尿系畸形
D. 羊水及母血AFP检测可诊断胎儿神经管畸形
E. 易并发妊娠高血压疾病
Japanese businesses are dvided into two main categories. The first is that of the major corportations that work closely with the Ministery of International Trade and Industry. These large Japanese corportations employ approximately one third of the Japanese work force. Approxinately 30 percent of Japanese frims are in this category. The second category, comprising 70 percent of Japanese firms, is that of smaller businesses employing the other two thirds of the work force. Smaller companies often have ties to the large companies and do subcontracting work. Companies in the second category do not offer lifetime employment. For the major companies, the advantage of subcontracting is that in times of recession they can reduce their orders to subcontractors and avoid having to fire their own employees.
A. foreign
B. native
C. external
D. local