


Multiple Sclerosis (多发性硬化症 )
1. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease in which the patient&39;s immune (免疫的 ) systemattacks the central nervous system. This can lead to numerous physical andmental symptoms, as the disease af-fects the transmission of electrical signalsbetween the body and the brain. However, the human body,being a flexible,adaptable system, can compensate for some level of damage, so a person with MScan look and feel fine even though the disease is present.
2. MS patients can have oneof two main varieties of the disease: the relapsing form. (复发型) and the primaryprogressive form. In the relapsing form, the disease progresses in a series ofjumps; at times it is in remission (减轻) . which means that a person&39;s normal functionsreturn for a period of time before the system goes into relapse and the diseaseagain becomes more active. This is the most common form. of MS; 80~90% of people havethis form. of the disease when they are first diagnosed.The relapse-remissioncycle can continue for many years. Eventually, however, loss of physical andcognitive functions starts to take place and the remissions become lessfrequent.
3. In the primaryprogressive form. of MS, there are no remissions and a continual but steady lossof physical and cognitive functions takes place. This condition affects about10~15 % of sufferers at di-agnosis.
4. The expected course ofthe disease, or prognosis (预后), depends on many variables: the sub-type of the disease, the patient&39;sindividual characteristics and the initial symptoms. Life expectancy ofpatients, however, is often nearly the same as that of an unaffectedperson-provided that a reasona-ble standard of care is received. In some casesa near-normal life span is possible.
5. The cause of the diseaseis unclear; it seems that some people have a genetic susceptibility (易感性), which is triggeredby some unknown environmental factor. Onset (发作)of the disease usually occurs in young adultsbetween the ages of 20 and 40. It is more common in women than men; howev-er,it has also been diagnosed in young children and in elderly people.
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MS affects the communication of nerve cells between the body and .
An MS patient can feel fine for years without being affected much by
10~15% of MS patients are diagnosed as naVlng___
Young adults might have a higher chance of developing the disease than


数学学习中形成的认真审题的态度及其方法影响到物理、化学等学科中的审题活动,可称乏为 ________。

