Which of the statements about the production of credit is correct()
A. Private ownership is the basis of the production of credit
B. Any uses of the properties of public ownership is free, and it is the performance of the peak of the development of credit
C. Positive development of credit lays a strong foundation of the establishing and the promotion of the property rights system
D. Private ownership restricts the development of the credit
Generally, rising market interest rates will result in stock prices()
A. Decline
B. Ascent
C. No change
D. Unable to judge
Stocks with higher Market-to-Book Ratios compared to similar companies are usually characterized by()
A. Relatively low investment value
B. Relatively high investment value
C. Less profitability
D. More profitability
The main forms of foreign loans do not include()
A. Purchasing foreign enterprises
Buyer’s credit
C. Loans of governments
D. Loans of international business banks
A stock that an investor wants to sell limits down in a trading session, and the main risk to that investor is()
A. Liquidity risk
B. Interest rate risk
C. Operational risk
D. Policy risk