The property that describes a metal’s ability to resist surface wear and abrasion is()
A. Fatigue strength
B. Hardness
C. Toughness
D. Tensile strength
What does summit of Kilimanjaro represent in the story()
A. It is considered the place closest to God
B. It is named the House of God
C. It is seen as a place of spiritual transcendence
D. It is a sacred place
Which of following statement best describes the relatedness of the gangrene and the loss of Harry’s creativity()
A. They both develop slowly and painless, thus catch him unaware
B. They are both deadly
C. They both cost him his vitality
D. They both affect his life
What is the term that indicates his literary idea()
A. Flat character and round character
B. The tip of iceberg
C. Narrative perspective
D. Sequence of narration
Why is the garbage collector highly respected in the Miguel Street()
A. Because he is able to get useful things from the garbage
Because he is kind to the people on the Miguel Street
C. Because he sells new and cheap things to people
D. Because he is a person of integrity