
Listen to the dialogue about sleep deprivation.

A. She likes to be in control.
B. She thinks Josh is too tired to drive safely.
C. She thinks Josh won’t get them there by 10:00.
D. Because it makes no sense to take two cars.


Listen to the dialogue in the grocery store.

A. She only has a few items, so she doesn’t need a bag.
B. She doesn’t want to hold Fred up at the cash.
C. She doesn’t want to pay for the bags.
D. She is trying to help the environment.

Listen to the report about a seasonal disorder. Q: What condition is most likely being described?

A. Seasonal allergies.
B. A cold.
C. Poison ivy.
D. Lack of exercise.

Listentothemonologueaboutmentalhealthandtechnology. Q: What statement sounds most true based on the text?

A. Technologycausesdepressionandsuicidalthoughts.
B. Teenagersspendtoomuchtimetalkingontheirphones.
D. Talkingonthephoneisnotsocializing.


A. 对
B. 错
