
According to research, the experience of an ____ culture endows us with a valuable _____, making it easier to realize that even a ____ thing can have ____meanings.


Instead this ____ of creativity appears to be a ____ ____ of difference: we need to change cultures, to experience the disorienting ____ of human traditions.

For each debate group, two students select the affirmative position, two select the negative, and the fifth serves as ____.

A. investor
B. elevator
C. conqueror
D. moderator

In these companies, enlightened management has begun to treat workers as assets to be cultivated, rather than merely costs to be ____.

A. maximized
B. minimized
C. publicized
D. modernized

In September 1944 he was able to return to his academic duties, but soon after the war ended he ____ a serious illness and did relatively little research thereafter.

A. shared in
B. lived on
C. was stricken by
D. taken captive
