单词英语解释:1 be full of:()2 pick up:()3 be attracted to:()4 form:()5 shape:()6 background:()7 impressionism:()8 devote to:()9 absorb:()10 immersion:()11 masterly:()
单词英文释义:1 simplicity: the state of being ()2 variety : several different sorts of the ( )3 texture: ()4 contrast: ( )5 ( ): the contour, or the profile of6 (): generally accepted or approved of ;following generally accepted belifs7 stroke: a ( )made by moving a pen,brush,etc.8 ( ): a piece of music or art, or a poem9 ( ): to say that sth.that sb. edls has said is wrong, and that the opposite is true10 concept: an ( )
单词中文释义:1 simplicity: ()2 contrast: ()3 texture: ()4 composition: ()5 contradict: ()6 concept: ()7 orthodox: ()8 stroke: ()9 attribute: ()10 deliberate: ()11 outline: ()12 variety: ()
单词字母填空:1 simpl( )city2 comp( )sition3 contr( )dict4 conc( )pt5 ( )rthodox6 str( )ke7 attrib( )te8 del( )berate9 outli( )e10 cont( )ast11 tex( )ure12 vari( )ty
数组A中,每个元素A的长度为3个字节,行下标i从1到8,列下标j从1到10,从首地址SA开始连续存放在存储器内,该数组按行存放时,元素A[8][5]的起始地址为( )。
A. SA+141
B. SA+144
C. SA+222
D. SA+225