

A. 李与贾是高中同学,高中毕业之后有十多年后没有见面。某日在北京偶遇,两人均特别激动,李某一拳打向贾某以示哥们情谊,不料贾某随即倒地昏迷不醒,在被送往医院的途中死亡。经法医鉴定,贾某患有严重的脾肿大。李某从来没有听说过贾某患有这种疾病,李某的行为与贾某的死亡之间不存在因果关系
B. 高某花5000元新买的手机被一个小男孩宋某偷了,高某当场发现并追赶,在抓住宋某以后,宋某丝毫没有悔改之意,并趁高某不注意欲挣脱逃走,高某一气之下把宋某推到河中。宋某不会游泳,向高某呼救。高某是省二级游泳运动员,心想本来就是宋某偷东西在先,自己是受害者,于是没有对宋某进行施救,宋某最终溺水身亡。高某的行为与宋某的死亡之间具有刑法上的因果关系
C. 王某与辛某积怨已久,王某经暗地调查得知辛某患有严重的心脏病。某日王某当众侮骂辛某,辛某受到刺激,心脏病发当场死亡。由于辛某是特殊体质,故王某的行为与辛某的死亡之间不具有刑法上的因果关系
D. 刘某扒窃了田某的钱包后夺路狂奔,田某在其后紧追不舍,刘某慌不择路,撞在了停在路边的挖掘机上,身受重伤。田某的行为与刘某的重伤之间具有刑法上的因果关系


Alaska Airlines
Passengers can check in for their flights at the ticket counter or the departure gate. Passengers may check their luggage at the skycap desk or the ticket counter six hours prior to departure. Spare luggage tags may also be purchased at these locations.
To determine the best time to check in for your flight, please refer to the real time flight arrival and departure information. The departure gate opens for check-in and boarding pass distribution only one hour prior to the scheduled departure time. At twenty minutes before departure, passengers can check in only at the departure gate. Passengers checking in less than 15 minutes before their plane is scheduled to depart might be denied boarding.
Visit the convenience store, The Dream Fly, for refreshments, books, and periodicals. We may offer recorded books for your listening pleasure while in the skies.
For whom was this announcement made?

A. Pilots and copilots
B. Flight attendants
C. Airline passengers
D. Baggage handlers

听力原文:M: When docs the next train leave?
W: You have just missed one by 5 minutes. Trains leave every fifty minutes, so you'll have to wait for a while.
How long does the man have to wait for the text train?

A. 5-minutes.
B. 10 minutes.
C. 45 minutes.
D. 50 minutes

听力原文:M: What did you do in class today?
W: The teacher went over last Friday's lesson.
What did the teacher do?

A. The teacher reviewed a previous lesson.
B. The teacher presented a new lesson.
C. The teacher tested the students.
D. The teacher played a film in class.


A. well
B. .worse
C. badly
