Within the cerebral hemispheres there are the basal ganglia mainly related to motor control, and () involved in emotion and learning.
A. corpus callosum
B. the limbic system
C. the central sulcus
D. the spinal cord
() initiated the school of behaviorism, which is a theoretical orientation based on the premise that scientific psychology should study only the observable behavior.
A. John Watson
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Abraham Maslow
D. Carl Rogers
A. 5-10ml
B. 50-100ml
C. 250-300ml
D. 400-1000ml
E. >1000ml
A. 5-10ml
B. 50-100ml
C. 250-300ml
D. 400-1000ml
E. >1000ml
A. 5-10ml以上
B. 50ml以上
C. 250ml以上
D. 400ml 以上
E. 1000ml 以上