The Twin Bridges are made of the Shide Bridge and the Yongan Bridge. The Shide Bridge has a square arch, while Yongan Bridge has a round arch.
Memory of Hometown was selected as the first-day cover of the postage stamp of the United Nations in 1985.
A. 对
B. 错
接到了旅游团,旅游者登车后,地陪要做的第一件事是( )。
A. 致欢迎词
B. 清点人数
C. 调整时差
D. 介绍日程安排
A. 风情介绍
B. 风光导游
C. 致欢迎词
D. 介绍下榻饭店
有一卡诺热机,用290 g空气为工作物质,工作在27℃的高温热源与-73℃的低温热源之间,此热机的效率h=______________.若在等温膨胀的过程中气缸体积增大到2.718倍,则此热机每一循环所作的功为_________________.(空气的摩尔质量为29×10-3 kg/mol)