Indeed, senior employment has jumped 27% in the last five years while that of younger and middle aged workers has fallen notably.
A. employment
B. workers
C. 27%
D. last five years
This, however, may prove difficult to achieve, especially in cities seeking to severely limit or even outlaw “family friendly” detached housing.
A. what are seeking to
B. whom are seeking to
C. where are seeking to
D. that are seeking to
A. 颅骨骨缝未闭
B. 机体反应性差
C. 大脑处于抑制状态
D. 血脑屏障功能较弱
A. 中枢神经系统白血病
B. 腰部外伤
C. 发热待查
D. 白血病化疗中
A. 说明穿刺角度合适,可多留取标本
B. 可暂用拇指堵住针孔
C. 需警惕放液过快发生脑疝
D. 可插入部分针芯减慢流速