
常见的云计算服务性架构类型有IaaS(基础设施即服务)、 ____和____。


IEEE 802.11是目前最流行的无线局域网标准,目前应用的标准有以下几种:IEEE802. 1la、802.11b、802.11g 等。新一代的802.11n标准可达到至少____Mbit/s的传输率。


Attached to the bottom of the Trieste was a small, pressure-resistant sphere with enough room for just two people. ( )

A. Where was attached to the bottom of the Trieste
B. Which was attached to the bottom of the Trieste
C. What was attached to the bottom of the Trieste
D. That was attached to the bottom of the Trieste

He was impressed by the simplicity of the vessel's design. ( )

A. The simple design of the vessel left an impression of him.
B. The simple design of the vessel left an impression on him.
C. The simple design of the vessel leaves an impression with him.
D. The simple design of the vessel leaves an impression upon him.
