

A. 对
B. 错



A. 对
B. 错

Complete the company profile of a French energy company, by choosing the correct word A-D below to fill each gap.EDF is one of the largest electricity companies in the world with a (0) turnover of 59 billion Euros in 2006. Its 1 ______ are in Paris, and it is the dominant player in France, with over 80% of the market. Its largest2_____, 100% owned by EDF is EDF-Energy which supplies over five million customers in the UK.The company has three main 3 _______ electricity production, of which 70% comes from nuclear power 4______; distribution; and retail or supply. The first two are very technical activities. The third, retail, is more customer focused. Nowadays, most customer contact is handled by 5_____ centres, where operators manage customer enquiries online or over the telephone. Electricity is an unusual product. It cannot be stored in a 6_____ like other goods. What you produce has to be consumed immediately. So, supply and demand have to be balanced exactly on a day by day, or hour by hour basis.0 A sales B turnover C income D figure

1.三眼插座在接线时,左边孔接(),右边孔接 () ,中间孔接 ()。

正弦交流电路中正弦量的特征分别由() 、()、 ()来表示,它们通称为正弦量的三要素。
