

A. C语言简洁、紧凑,使用方便、灵活。
B. 运算符丰富。共有34种。C把括号、赋值、逗号等都作为运算符处理。从而使C的运算类型极为丰富,可以实现其他高级语言难以实现的运算。
C. 数据结构类型丰富。
D. 语法限制严格,程序设计自由度小。


How do people in Thailand greet each other?

A. Put their hands together and bow slightly.
B. Kiss on the cheek.
C. Touch noses.
D. Hug.

How do Arabs greet each other?

A. Kiss on the cheek.
B. Hug.
C. Shake hands.
D. Touch noses.

Most people in western countries _______

A. have first name, middle name and last name.
B. only have first name and last name.
C. only have last name.
D. only have first name.

Which of the followings is wrong?

A. Mrs. is used for woman who is married.
B. If you don’t know whether she is married or not, you can say Mrs.
C. Mr. is used for man.
D. Both Mrs. and Ms. are used for females.
