What is the passage mainly about?
A. setting sales prices
B. influencing competitors
C. lowering fixed exppenses
D. preventing rising expenses
Business are only allowed to lower prices if
A. they are dumping
B. they remain above their costs
C. they are being sued
D. their competitors agree
What can be inferred about dumping?
A. it is considered ethical.
B. it is legal in some countries.
C. it involves the makeup method.
D. it doesn't account for fixed expenses.
某急性脑出血患者,头痛、恶心,喷射性呕吐,呼吸快而不规则,血压明显增高,意识障碍,下列哪项护理措施对该患者不适用( )
A. 绝对安静卧床4周以上
B. 每1h翻身一次,预防压疮
C. 及时清除口腔分泌物和呕吐物
D. 头略抬高,偏向一侧
男性,35岁,“发热、咳嗽3天”,体温39℃。胸片示右上肺大片阴影,痰图片见较多革兰阳性成对或短链状球菌,治疗首选( )
A. 氟哌酸
B. 红霉素
C. 氯霉素
D. 青霉素