The phrase "to pay off" in paragraph eight can be replaced by ______.
A. to be worthwhile
B. to make profit
C. to pay up
D. to succeed
Snow-blindness, according to the passage, can be overcome by ______.
A. crossing a solid white territory
B. producing more and more eye fluid
C. continuously searching for something to look at
D. providing something for the eyes to focus on
Free Parks are cutting back on staff because ______.
A. they are not charging for tickets
B. only a few staff members are needed for park operations
C. the park operators are short of cash and they have to operate in an economical way
D. Both A and
The author lists the following as adaptation of large desert animals except ______.
A. changing body temperature
B. drinking water quickly
C. not losing appetite even when very thirsty
D. being active at night
The pioneers ahead of the main body of troops throw some lightweight, dark colored objests
A. cross completely snow-covered landscape
B. prevent themselves from suffering snow-blindness
C. let the men behind them see something
D. warm themselves in the cold