

A. 具备12名以上环境影响评价专职技术人员,其中至少有6名登记于该机构的环境影响评价工程师,其他人员应当取得环境影响评价岗位证书。环境影响报告书评价范围包括核工业类的,专职技术人员中还应当至少有2名注册于该机构的核安全工程师
B. 评价范围为环境影响报告表的评价机构,应当具备8名以上环境影响评价专职技术人员,其中至少有2名登记于该机构的环境影响评价工程师,其他人员应当取得环境影响评价岗位证书
C. 环境影响报告书评价范围内的每个类别应当配备至少2名登记于该机构的相应类别的环境影响评价工程师,且至少1人主持编制过相应类别的环境影响报告书
D. 环境影响报告表评价范围内的特殊项目环境影响报告表类别,应当配备至少2名登记于该机构的相应类别的环境影响评价工程师



A. 产生危险废物的单位,必须按照国家有关规定制定危险废物管理计划,并向所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门申报危险废物的种类、产生量、流向、贮存、处置等有关资料
B. 危险废物管理计划应当包括减少危险废物产生量和危害性的措施以及危险废物贮存、利用、处置措施
C. 危险废物管理计划应当报设区的市级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门备案
D. 危险废物管理计划内容有重大改变的,应当及时申报

国家法定节假日调整方案民意调查2007年11月15日24时结束,参加此项调查的网民有 A.50万

A. 巴厘岛路线图
B. 全球气候变化框架公约
C. 京都议定书
D. 后京都议定书

Part A
Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)
At some point during their education, biology students are told about a conversation in a pub that took place over 50 years ago. J.B.S. Haldane, a British geneticist, was asked whether he would lay down his life for his country. After doing a quick calculation on the back of a napkin, he said he would do so for two brothers or eight cousins. In other words, he would die to protect the equivalent of his genetic contribution to the next generation.
The theory of kin selection—the idea that animals can pass on their genes by helping their close relatives—is biology's explanation for seemingly altruistic acts. An individual carrying genes that promote altruism might be expected to die younger than one with "selfish" genes, and thus to have a reduced contribution to the next generation's genetic pool But if the same individual acts altruistically to protect its relatives, genes for altruistic behavior. might nevertheless propagate.
Acts of apparent altruism to non-relatives can also be explained away, in what has become a cottage industry within biology. An animal might care for the offspring of another that it is unrelated to because it hopes to obtain the same benefits for itself later on (a phenomenon known as reciprocal altruism). The hunter who generously shares his spoils with others may be doing so in order to signal his superior status to females, and ultimately boost his breeding success. These apparently selfless acts are therefore disguised acts of self-interest.
All of these examples fit economists' arguments that Homo sapiens is also Homo economics—maximizing something that economists call utility, and biologists fitness. But there is a residuum of human activity that defies such explanations: people contribute to charities for the homeless, return lost wallets, do voluntary work and tip waiters in restaurants to which they do not plan to return. Both economic rationalism and natural selection offer few explanations for such random acts of kindness. Nor can they easily explain the opposite: spiteful behavior, when someone harms his own interest in order to damage that of another. But people are now trying to find answers.
When a new phenomenon is recognized by science, a name always helps. In a paper in Human Nature, Dr. Fehr and his colleagues argue for a behavioral propensity they call "strong reciprocity". This name is intended to distinguish it from reciprocal altruism. According to Dr. Fehr, a person is a strong reciprocator if he is willing to sacrifice resources to be kind to those who are being kind, and to punish those who are being unkind. Significantly, strong reciprocators will behave this way even if doing so provides no prospect of material rewards in the future.
The story of J.B.S. Haldane is mentioned in the text ______.

A. to honor his unusual altruistic acts.
B. to show how he contributed to the country.
C. to introduce the topic of human altruism.
D. to give an episode of his calculation abilities.


A. 中国的内政问题
B. 中国同美国的关系问题
C. 中国同日本的关系问题
D. 中国同联合国的关系问题
