________________________________(我注意到父亲眼中的泪水)as I took the violin.
Daddy and Mother _________________________(脸上挂着自豪的微笑)at their little girl who held her cherished violin for the whole world to admire.
I thought of Daddy, who did all he could __________________________(满足我的一切需求和愿望)when I was a little girl.
I hope your little girl will enjoy it ____________________.(像我当年一样)
家庭美德是调节人们在家庭生活方面关系和行为的道德准则。下列关于家庭美德的论述,错误的是( )。
A. 家庭美德建设能增进人生幸福
B. 家庭美德建设是形成良好社会道德风尚的根基
C. 家庭美德涵盖了夫妻、长幼、邻里之间的关系
D. 家庭美德是社会公共生活中所应遵循的最基本的行动准则