
已知某药对小鼠的最大耐受量为20 mg/kg(20 g小鼠用0.4mg),请问家兔的最大耐受量是多少?

A. 7.4mg/kg
B. 74mg/kg
C. 5.4mg/kg
D. 54mg/kg
E. 6.5mg/kg


According to________, the Corinthians are the favorite team of 15 percent of theBrazilianpopulation.

Some customers___________that the official shirts are expensive.

The Corinthians are the second most ______ team in Brazil.

Maybe you’re not _________with the Corinthians Football Club, but you’re probably familiar with the teams in your city and country. You may not be a big soccer fan, but you probably know lots of soccer fans!
