A. 易燃易爆区、防火重点部位的消防器材配备不全,不符合消防规程规定要求,且无警示标志
B. 登高工器具不合格或未定期试验
C. 对各类装置性违章不及时组织消除
D. 不能按规定组织开展季节性安全检查
A. 不应超过250人
B. 不应超过400人
C. 在400~700人之间
D. 不应超过2000人
In case of any loss or misfortune it is the duty of()to take such measures as may be reasonable for the purpose of averting or minimizing a loss which would be recoverable under this insurance.
A. the Assured and their servants and agents
B. the Assurer and his servants and agents
C. the Charterer and his servants and agents
D. the Operator and his servants and agent
A. 5万元以上不满20万元
B. 20万元以上不满50万元
C. 50万元以上不满200万元
D. 200万元以上
A. 10mm
B. 14mm
C. 15mm
D. 20mm